Friday, 1 November 2019

Benefits of using essential oils:

1.Helps in improving mood and set a positive atmosphere: scents are one of the most powerful stimuli that can directly trigger the intense emotional response and enter into the brain. If you inhale essential oils, you will be signaling the certain emotions which will make you feel energized, optimistic and hopeful. The essential oils can be used in a hot bath and or can be used as a oil diffuser to create a positive atmosphere inside the room.
2.Essential oils for relaxation and sleep:  if one is suffering from stress, depression and anxiety aromatherapy with the help of essential oils is very helpful for treating psychological disorders. With the help of essential one can stimulate the positive signals of the brain and can reduce all the negative emotional conditions. This can be used as a oil diffuser or as a hot bath. These oils can be applied topically to emotional trigger points throughout the body such as the neck, the elbows, behind the ears, and the back of the seas. 
3.Relief from inflammation: there are few essential oils that have the inflammatory properties which when applied to the skin can reduce the inflammation and irritation. One can apply these oils directly or by mixing it with carrier oils. 
4.As a pain killer: aromatherapy can help in reducing the pain, as the oils gets absorbed through the skin very easily. These tropical oil as a pain killer is absolutely safe and woks instantly. 
5.Helps in preventing certain illness and boosting the immunity system: there are many essential oils which have anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, properties which can prevent the development of certain illness. Aromatherapy can also improve the immune system. This is because the essential oils that are breathed in enters into the lungs and then get absorbed into the bloodstream.
6.Helps in preventing from skin irritation: there are certain essential oils that contain anti-inflammatory properties, which help in preventing skin irritation if used daily. This is considered as one of the most highly effective natural method to heal skin irritations of all kinds. When these oils are applied tropically to the skin they get absorbed very deeply to the skin which helps in improving the skin tissue and promote healing. 
7.Can be used as an alternative to candles and incense: aromatherapy can be used as one of the safest ways to keep your room smell wonderful. Burning candles and incense sticks may give you’re the risk of catching fire in the room through curtains and flammatory materials. They are specially dangerous when you have children and pets in a home. By using an oil diffuser one can immediately change the smell of the room without any kind of risk.